Friday, 14 of March of 2025

KingOctavious vs ZiggyD BO5 n00b Showdown VODs

Check out the games between KingOcatvious and myself and find out who is crowned the king of Starcraft 2 n00b-dom!

If you haven’t been following me on Twitter or the forums then you may have missed that KingOctavious of and I played a BO5 a few months back. The BO5 was to decide who was the king of Starcraft 2 n00b-dom and suffice to say what ensued was some epic n00b-ishness.

KingOctavious recorded and uploaded video commentaries of each of the games to his site, I wanted to wait until all of the games were uploaded before doing this write up. It’s great to look back at how much better we have gotten in only a few months (we were both in Bronze at the time of playing these matches).

To maintain the excitement I have hidden each of the games in spoilers.

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Game 5

Congratulations to:

The Winner
KingOctavious! You have claimed the title of King of Starcraft 2 n00b-dom!

I look forward to future matches between myself and King as we both progress up through the ranks! I’ll be sure to post them here as well.

About the author:

G'day, i'm ZiggyD, founder of When I started LSC2 I was in Bronze so I know what it's like to be a beginner. With this experience I hope to make learning Starcraft 2 easier for new players and to assist the growth of eSports. I'm also a fulltime YouTuber as well! For updates of what i'm working on you can follow me on Twitter at @ZiggyDStarcraft

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