Tuesday, 15 of October of 2024

G’day I’m ZiggyD and I want to share my learning experiences with you so that I can help you learn to play and enjoy Starcraft 2. 

I will apply myself to learning the game in specific detail and as I go I will write about what I learned and how I learned it so that you can learn along with me.

When I started this website I was in Bronze, in Wings of Liberty I managed to work my way up to Masters and now, in Heart of the Swarm I’m trying to improve again!


How will this help you?

I have often found when trying to learn from other sources that they overlook some of the challenges that new players face in the game. This is simply the side effect of the fact that most resources are created by top-level players who are distanced from the challenges that new players face.

Simply put Starcraft 2 is a very different game at higher skill levels and what applies there does not really apply at the beginner levels.

What I write is from the perspective of  a beginner and many of the challenges I face many other beginner players will also face. Because of this I will be writing something that is relevant to newer players.

Please read more about myself, and my goals for this site on my About page.

What You Will Find on This Site:


Where I will discuss my experiences learning Starcraft 2 and where I will try to assist other new players with some insights into learning the game.

Learning Resources

Here I will compile different resources (Game casts, replays, instructional videos etc.) which have helped my play in some way. My purpose here is to have one list of learning tools that are relevant to new players.

Contact Me

Get in touch with me in-game, in ‘Real Life’ or just leave some feedback/suggestions for my site!