Saturday, 22 of February of 2025

About Practice Buddies

Practice Buddies is a rapidly growing SEA (& now NA!) community organisation based on the idea of new players getting together and helping each other improve their game. It is also a great way to get involved in the community and network with similiarly-minded gamers.

Practice Buddies players typically meet within their in-game chat channel: ‘PRACBUD’ between 6 to 12pm EST, but as more players join these hours are likely to increase. If you join the channel within these times you will find people playing games, observing games in play or just discussing the games that have been played.

The group also plan to organise weekly Gold and below tournaments so that players can measure their improvement and more importantly have some fun.

I am very excited about Practice Buddies. It was created purely out of the desire of the community for such an organisation to exist, it’s a testament to the great things a strong community can achieve. Get involved and help it grow!


Who Can Get Involved?

Anyone! Although the group is aimed more towards players from Gold and below.


How Do I Get Involved?

There are three ways you can get involved:

  1. Head to their website here and get into contact with one of the members.
  2. Head to the SEA Battlenet forums and leave a comment in their thread.
  3. Log into the chat channel “PRACBUD” on SEA between 6-12pm EST.


Challenge Me To a Game!

I plan on regularly dropping in and playing, observing, and discussing games with the players involved. So if you want to have a game with me drop in and lay down the challenge! Otherwise let me or anyone else know about what your having trouble with and we will help you overcome it!


Does a Similar Organisation Exist Outside of the SEA Region?

YES! A NA PRACBUD channel is just starting to take off. Join the chat channel ‘PRACBUD’ or head to the forum thread and express your interest.