Saturday, 22 of February of 2025

Other Resources

Every now and then you stumble across those rare but and special nuggets of wisdom. Whenever I find those random resources that really stand out as useful I will list them here so that you can find them easily.


ZiggyD’s Starcraft 2 Journal

I now write about all my games and various other small things that I learn about SC2. I started doing it simply to force myself to analyse my games a little more but a bunch of people have said that they have found my musings to be quite useful and thats awesome! If you start your own Starcraft 2 journal let me know so I can check it out!


Learn From the Pros with MrBitter

This is a series of skype conversations and demonstration games of each of the match-ups from a variety of very good players. There is a lot to be learned here particularly if you are looking to focus on one specific matchup.

The Videos:

PvT Foundations With Socke

PvZ Foundations With Socke

PvP Foundations With Socke

TvZ Foundations with Painuser

TvT Foundations With Painuser

ZvP Foundations With Sheth

TvZ with QXC

TvP with QXC

ZvZ with Sheth

PvP with White-Ra

PvZ with White-Ra

PvT with White-Ra


Video: Benji’s guide on “How to Engage a Terran Army as Zerg”Highly Recommended for Zerg

Benji from the SEA server shows how to use Zerg’s units correctly against those of Terran. For many new players Zerg just feels really weak against Terran, this video shows just how strong Zerg units can be against Terran when they are controlled correctly. All new Zerg players (and perhaps even Terran players) should watch this video.


Video: Platinum Level PvT Coaching with iNcontrol

Platinum Protoss player GiygaS posted this video of a coaching session he had with iNcontrol on Team Liquid. It is focused on the PvT matchup but he also talks a lot about the Protoss mindset, expansion timing and when to attack. If you’re having trouble with this matchup I highly recommend you check it out.


Article and Video: PvZ iNcontrol Style – Highly Recommended for Protoss

This article and the accompanying videos have really helped me when it comes PvZ. It is essientially a descritption and explanation of the style that iNcontrol uses to dominate Zerg opponents. It is a very flexible, safe and macro-oriented style.


Video: PvP Anti Four-Gate Build with Artosis

In this video Artosis shows a build designed by IMYongHwa that is designed to very effectively defend against four Warpgate strategies. Not exactly beginner-level, but if you’re having trouble with PvP four-gates then you should definitely check it out.


Article: ZvZ Extensive Guide by Kevin Raa – Highly Recommended for Zerg

This extensive guide to Zerg versus Zerg has almost everything you will need to know to get a good grasp of the match-up. Timings, scouting information, unit compositions and a large number of other tips. One of the best guides I have read on the subject.


Article: ZvT Extensive Guide by Kevin Raa – Highly Recommended for Zerg

The same author of the above ZvZ guide, Kevin Raa brings us his extensive guide to Zerg versus Terran. Again, this is one of the best guides I have read on the subject.


If you stumble across any other nuggets of wisdom in you travels be sure to contact me so that I can include them here!