Birthday Games with ZiggyD
Friday the 15th of July (AEST, 14th of July in the US) is a very special day, it’s my birthday! For some time I have been thinking of what I wanted to do for my birthday and I have finally decided.
Let’s play a heap of Starcraft 2 for my birthday!
What better way to spend the day then by playing a bunch of custom games with my friends/readers/twitter followers?
This works nicely for a few reasons: Firstly, I get back from holidays a few days before the 15th and will be quite rusty from lack of games so it will be great to get back into shape with a full day of practice games. Secondly, season 3 starts on the 19th of July and this will be an excellent way to renew my drive for laddering. Thirdly, I love this game and I love all of you, I can think of no better way to spend a day. And, best of all, my girlfriend approves of the idea!
So I will be free and playing Starcraft 2 all day on the 15th (AEST). I’m going to schedule time for both NA and SEA (sorry to the other servers but I don’t have access to you – yet).
I will be on NA for the Australian morning (AEST) as this ends up being afternoon or evening for most NA players. I will switch over to SEA in the afternoon.
If you would like to have a few games with me for my birthday leave a comment below. Alternatively, contact me via email or add me on Skype (ziggyd[at] for both) and we will arrange a time to play. Also, If you haven’t already you can add me in game, I am ZiggyD.279 on both SEA and NA.
I hope to see you all online on the 15th for a great day of Starcraft 2!